Hungarian School of Playback Theatre

Director(s) / Board: Director: Dániel Rózsa, Other Members of the Board: Anikó Kaposvári, Attila Donáth, Ágnes Sütöri, Beáta Somogyi, Tihamér Bakó

Language(s): Hunarian, English, German, French

Country: Hungary


More to say:

The Hungarian School of Playback Theatre (former Central European School of Playback Theatre) offers a comprehensive Playback Theatre training program in alignment with the CPT curriculum. We hold short and long term courses. One of our specialities is a role focussed long course system with an emphasis on the role of the Community Leader/ host, on the role of the Director of a PT Company/producer or project manager and on the role of the Artistic Director/Conductor Beside this we offer separate short courses (one day or one weekend) and long courses of 180 hours from Core training to Practice level. We teach in Hungarian, in English, in German and in French. We are focussing on different fields of application of Playback Theatre and cultivating a close connection with the Hungarian PT community. All teachers on our Faculty are Accredited Playback Theatre Trainers. We are specialized in different areas of interest which influence our work as teachers too, like: ecopsychology, conflict management, transgenerational trauma, organisational culture and development, poetry, Listening Hour, different artistic forms and we got involved in several international projects too, as well as got inspired in our trainings and events by the possibilites of combining Playback Theatre with other Arts thanks to our constant collaborator partners. Two of our Faculty members are on duty as volunteers on the Accreditation Board and the Board of Directors of CPT.

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