Playback Theatre 50 Years Celebration

A Milestone Worth Celebrating

In 2025, Playback Theatre marks an extraordinary milestone – 50 years since its founding in 1975. What began as a small, innovative idea has grown into a global movement, uniting communities and individuals through the art of storytelling and deep listening.

For half a century, Playback Theatre has touched lives, built connections, and fostered empathy across cultural and geographical boundaries. This anniversary is not just a time to reflect on our remarkable past but also an opportunity to envision and shape the future of Playback Theatre together.

Join the Celebration

As the heart of this global movement, the Center for Playback Theatre is organizing a series of events throughout the year to honor this historic occasion. These events will highlight the legacy of Playback Theatre, celebrate the diversity of its practitioners, and inspire the next generation of storytellers.
Stay tuned for:

  • Special workshops and performances showcasing the rich history and evolution of Playback Theatre.
  • Global gatherings bringing together practitioners and communities from around the world.
  • Online and hybrid events to make this celebration accessible to everyone.

Details will be announced soon – watch this space!

Get Involved

We invite you to be part of this momentous year. Here’s how you can join us:

  • Share your Playback Theatre stories and experiences using #50YearsPlaybackTheatre.
  • Follow us for updates on upcoming events and initiatives.
  • Celebrate with your local Playback communities or join us in our global gatherings.

Together, let’s honor the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to a future filled with the transformative power of Playback Theatre!

Online Peer Supervision Registration Open

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