Prerequisite: Core Training, or at least six months in an active Playback company.
Short Description:
Weaving the Story Tapestry: A conducting workshop with Jo Salas, APTT Montreal, May 2025
The conductor in Playback Theatre carries responsibilities that require a surprising range of skills. Conducting can be deeply rewarding—and uniquely challenging. In this training, we’ll explore the conductor’s distinct roles and tasks, paying attention to topics such as warm-up, presence, and conducting stories gracefully and efficiently. How can the conductor create an atmosphere of trust and eagerness to engage? How do we maintain contact with the audience when we’re in conversation with a teller? What choices do we have when a story is potentially disturbing to others? What is the “arc of the show” and how do we build it? Whether a beginner or an experienced conductor, everyone will have chances to practice conducting, as well as telling and acting stories.